Supervisory Board and Chairperson
The Supervisory Board is the highest governing body of the Uzbekistan’s Students Union (UzSU), tasked with providing strategic direction and ensuring alignment with the Union’s mission and principles. The Board oversees the activities of the Executive Committee, ensuring accountability and effective governance. It also resolves internal conflicts, appoints the Executive Committee, and safeguards the integrity of the Union’s operations.
The Chairperson of the Supervisory Board is responsible for coordinating the Board’s activities, including setting the agenda for meetings, ensuring effective decision-making, and facilitating collaboration among Board members. As the principal point of contact for addressing internal disputes, the Chairperson plays a pivotal role in maintaining the Board’s integrity and effectiveness.
Biography of the Chairperson
Dono Abdurahmanova is a third-year student at the University of Edinburgh studying Social Policy and Economics. She is one of the Founders of the Uzbekistan’s Students Union (UzSU) and has previously served as its General Secretary. In her capacity as Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, Dono plays a central role in guiding UzSU’s strategic vision and fostering a culture of collaboration and accountability.
Dono has also demonstrated leadership in various other capacities, including as the founder and President of the Central Asian-Turkic Society at the University of Edinburgh. Her commitment to student advocacy extends to roles such as Social Secretary for the Edinburgh Political Union, Wellbeing Officer for the Social Policy Society, and Leader at the Economics Peer Assisted Learning Scheme.
Current Composition of the Supervisory Board as of 04.12.2024
- Founders of UzSU:
- Jasurbek Jabborov Founder
- Dono Abdurahmanova Founder
- Sabina Olimova Founder
- Asha Bukharbaeva Founder
- Embassy Representatives:
- TBA Counsellor
- TBA Culture and Education Attaché
- Serving Executive Committee Members:
- Umarbek Islamov Acting General Secretary